The Human Factor in Cybersecurity: Addressing the Risks of Insider Threats

  • Hewa Majeed Zangana IT Dept., Duhok Technical College, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Iraq
  • Zina Bibo Sallow Ararat Technical Private Institute
  • Marwan Omar Illinois Institute of Technology - USA
Keywords: Cybersecurity; Human Factors; Insider Threats; Organizational Culture; Training and Awareness


In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the human element remains one of the most critical and complex factors to manage. Insider threats, whether originating from malicious intent or inadvertent actions, pose significant risks to organizational security. This paper explores the multifaceted nature of insider threats, examining the motivations and behaviors that drive individuals to compromise systems. By analyzing case studies and current research, we identify key vulnerabilities and the role of organizational culture in mitigating these risks. Furthermore, we propose comprehensive strategies for detecting, preventing, and responding to insider threats, emphasizing the importance of continuous education, robust access controls, and advanced monitoring technologies. This paper aims to provide a holistic understanding of the human factor in cybersecurity and offers practical solutions to address the pervasive challenge of insider threats.


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How to Cite
Zangana, H. M., Sallow, Z. B., & Omar, M. (2025). The Human Factor in Cybersecurity: Addressing the Risks of Insider Threats. Jurnal Ilmiah Computer Science, 3(2), 76-85.